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  • 6 Things To Do After Buying A Smart Locker

So you’ve discovered the many benefits of having a smart locker, and you know what you will use it for. Here are six things that you could do next to take full advantage of this marvelous piece of technology.

1. Review Your Organization’s Current Asset Management Process

Thinking about your company’s asset management process is a good starting point because you will know what assets you want to track and which tasks or activities these assets will be used.

If you haven’t yet done so, make sure to inventory all assets and locations where they will be used. Doing this before installing your smart locker can help streamline your transition into Smart asset management.

2. Determine Which People Need Access to the Lockers

After knowing what assets you want to store in your newly bought smart lockers, the next thing to do is decide who will need access to them. This will help you determine what devices or equipment the smart locker will have to handle.

For example, office staff might be storing documents and company-issued laptops or phones. That’s if the smart lockers will be used for asset management. Storage for a parcel service will be slightly different.

It would help if you also determined who will have the administrator access to the smart asset management system. Generally, supervisors are the ones who will need to receive alerts when somebody doesn’t return an asset on time, for instance. Those who will have supervisory access are also capable of generating and customizing reports.

3. Plan for Integration to Current Operations

Integration is one of the most powerful capabilities of smart lockers with smart enterprise asset management. Their automation features can easily mesh with existing operating procedures and even streamline them. To make integration seamless, you will need to set up new policies and train the necessary personnel.

Moreover, you will also need to outline a clear policy to improve employee accountability. These policies should clearly state the consequences of losing a tracked asset and the standard procedures for such an incident.

4. Decide on a Location

If you have not yet done so, now is the time to decide where to install your smart lockers. Generally, most people prefer the comfort and convenience of indoor lockers. Installing smart lockers outdoors should be the last resort. In places with colder climates, locker slots could freeze during winter. So having them installed indoors might be a wiser decision.

Placing them in or close to the building lobby is also a good idea as it is the area most frequented by people who can easily make a quick detour to grab their parcels or sign in and sign out company assets. Moreover, couriers will find it easier to drop off packages and mail because of a well-defined and straightforward route to the lockers.

Keep in mind that smart lockers should be available for use 24/7, so the lobby is the best location that can provide this best possible experience to your employees, clients, or tenants.

5. Consider Space and Scalability

Make sure that there is enough space for people to navigate around your locker. Couriers, especially, might use trolleys to drop off parcels. They need to be able to move freely around your smart lockers. One rule of thumb you can follow is to have at least 42 inches of space in front of the lockers and at least 7 feet of height from ground to ceiling.

You’d also need to account for possible locker expansion. It’s best to think ahead when planning to install your smart lockers, as parcel or asset volumes could increase. For that, you’ll need to adapt quickly and provide more capacity and space for additional lockers.

In the first place, the smart lockers you’ve purchased must be modular and are easily scalable like Teqtivity.

6. Other Considerations – Power, Internet, Aesthetics

The location you select for installing your smart lockers should have at least one available outlet, preferably positioned behind the locker, or at least close by, and secured with a tamper-proof case. Smart lockers need to have power all the time for it to serve people. Also, make sure to provide good ambient lighting as it is an essential aspect of the whole locker experience.

Aside from power, internet connection is also vital to the operations of a smart locker with smart asset and inventory management. Smart lockers heavily rely on connecting to the cloud because of their asset tracking system. A wired connection is the most ideal, but if not possible, a wireless connection could work as long as it’s stable and fast.

Regarding aesthetics, you can wrap the lockers in vinyl if you want them to complement the surrounding area or carry your branding. You can design it with simple decals or have full murals. In the end, it all comes down to your taste and the limit of your imagination.


Having smart lockers with a smart asset vending system is highly beneficial to any organization, even to University staff and students. With this guide, you will now have a clear picture of how to maximize your newly bought smart locker system and reap its multiple benefits.

By following the tips in this article, you will have made the first steps towards providing an exceptional smart locker asset management or parcel service experience that your employees or customers will highly appreciate