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  • How Asset Management Can Help in Remote Blended Learning

With a full-blown pandemic on our hands, the educators and trainers have to adapt and make the switch to remote blended learning. Unlike your traditional classroom environment, this method of learning involves the use of digital platforms as the medium between the teacher and their students.

Educators can use online assessments, video conferencing tools, and discussion boards to relay their knowledge to students. Whether it’s training employees through remote conferences, or educating young minds, the remote blended learning model can become an essential tool across any industry.

With that said, you have to overcome a few hurdles first in order to develop an effective system – and a smart asset management system can do wonders. Here’s how:

1. Effective Tracking of IT Devices

Remote learning can only function properly if your staff has the appropriate IT assets, and manually keeping track of each one might be challenging. Most schools or private companies need the following hardware for staff and students to conduct remote learning:

  • Headset with microphone and speakers
  • Mobile device (tablet, smartphone)
  • Personal computer or laptop
  • Webcam

All of these devices are costly, and some can even store valuable data that needs to be protected. As a result, it’s crucial to have the right hardware asset management tools for the job.

Hardware Asset Tagging as a Potential Solution

Some asset management tools come with a barcode tagging system so that you can tag every asset with unique identification numbers. Every time someone borrows or returns – say, a laptop – the system can automatically maintain a catalog and track that asset. The barcode ID will also be recorded against the recipient’s name, and management can usually store this information in a single, online database.

In the event of lost assets or other discrepancies, management teams can easily compare check-out data against barcode labels. With a streamlined asset tagging process, companies – especially ones with large IT inventory – can minimize losses and facilitate recoveries.

2. Personalized Reports

Companies might find it harder to monitor their resources in a remote setting – including those used for remote blended learning. With the help of personalized, automated reporting, though, the process becomes much easier.

Smart asset management tools usually come with ready-made reports while allowing users to build custom reports to get the information they need. This process lets companies drill down their reports into the finer details of their inventory. Modern tools also come with regular report scheduling as needed, whether monthly, weekly, or even daily.

With detailed, accurate reporting, it’s easier to meet the regulatory standards of your industry. What’s more, customized audits also keep your assets tracked and your data secure. Some programs even let companies fully define their workflows to help management track assets based on the rules they establish.

3. Enhanced Security

The best IT asset management solutions come with varying levels of access to keep assets and essential information protected. Both instructors and students each have their different set of learning resources that they require. These users need provisioned access to collaborative and online learning tools, but manually doing it can take days of preparation – and potentially leave everyone involved frustrated.

By using modern tools, you can automate user provisioning and provide access rights to both instructors and students for required applications and hardware for learning. Simply put, automated user provisioning allows you to accelerate your company’s administrative procedures and make the remote learning process faster.

4. Regularly Updating Hardware and Software

Countless companies use IT assets to facilitate remote blended learning. This is where asset lifecycle management comes into play. Each resource needs constant maintenance, whether it’s updating the license fees of learning software or the upkeep of hardware.

Without maintenance, resources can’t be used to their fullest potential or even disrupt the learning process. In worse cases, it can even cost companies thousands in legal penalties. With the help of smart asset management tools like Teqtivity, it’s easier for companies to maintain their resources. These tools will automatically notify your IT team if there’s a particular resource that requires upkeep.

In today’s remote world, modern asset management is necessary for companies to provide effective learning programs to their workforce. Otherwise, they risk losing expensive resources and lessen the effectiveness of their training procedures.

Make sure your company is fully equipped to face today’s unique learning method, contact us today.