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  • 8 Important Steps to Secure Your IT Assets

IT assets continue to drive the establishments of many businesses and entrepreneurs upward. As with any good thing, however, there is a downside to adopting this technology. Modern marvels like cloud computing, smartphones, and laptops have a potential for security breaches.

Fortunately, a little bit of preparation makes these issues less threatening. The eight steps below can help companies safeguard their critical data against potential attacks:

  1. Strengthen Your Passwords

Many people tend to forget that passwords are one of the most important – and easy to implement – safeguards. Create a strong password that contains lower and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. It’s also a good practice to avoid commonplace words or information that can be tied to the user, like their birth date.

This step is particularly important when it comes to accessing vulnerable wireless networks, equipment, and sensitive data. If you want extra protection, consider using unique passwords for each user, so it’s easier to lessen the damage if one gets compromised.

  1. Implement Safety Protocols

By limiting access to IT technology, companies can effectively reduce their exposure to would-be thieves and hackers. A smart asset and inventory management system like Teqtivity can:

  • Protect hardware devices through authentication procedures
  • Restrict individual system and user privileges
  • Eliminate unnecessary access to IT assets

What’s more, smart inventory management tools are highly customizable, allowing companies to develop a system that suits their daily work practices.

  1. Screen and Background Check Potential Employees

Sadly, third-party hackers aren’t the only threat you have to worry about. Most unauthorized IT asset breaches happen from the inside. Always screen and background check potential employees, regardless of the position they want.

An interview might not be enough, so do a background check and look up any claims they made to assess their trustworthiness. Lastly, it’s also a good idea to run a “trial period”, where the employee’s access to essential data is limited or completely prohibited.

  1. Train Your Workforce With Up-to-Date Safety Practices

Human carelessness is a leading cause of numerous security breaches. By establishing a company culture that emphasizes IT security, employees become protectors instead of liabilities.

Consider implementing training programs that teach the proper use of devices and IT systems and highlight the risks of bad practices. All IT asset management solutions, from handling lost passwords to proper document-disposal, should be second-nature to your organization’s members.

  1. Use Anti-Virus Software and Keep it Updated

Whether employees are working from the office or at home, anti-virus software can effectively protect computer assets. Many software providers offer a free version of their services, but some premier tools may well be worth their monthly subscription. After all, data breaches can cost companies thousands – even millions more.

It’s also useful to implement an IT asset management system that regularly updates these tools. Without these security updates, computers become vulnerable to variations of old viruses and completely new threats. As an added protection, one can find many asset lifecycle management tools that will automatically notify the right individuals when an update is available.

  1. Use Smart Asset Management Software with Asset Tagging Capabilities

With mobile IT assets becoming commonplace – like smartphones, tablets, and laptops – the number of potential threats also rises. It’s easy to circumvent this issue with an asset tracking solution. This method is particularly useful for a remote workforce, where it’s more challenging to account for mobile IT devices.

With an asset tracking system that uses serialized tracking or asset tags, managers can trace resources and which members of the workforce are using them.

  1. Keep Sensitive Data Out of the Clouds

While cloud computing provides businesses with many cost savings and conveniences, keep in mind that these services can also pose an additional threat. As much as possible, try to store sensitive data in private networks. If that’s not an option, always choose a cloud service that is established, trusted, and regulated.

  1. Remain Vigilant

Shred every physical document when no longer needed. Never leave sensitive reports in an easily-accessible area. Regularly change the passwords of the most important devices and systems. Simply put, a smart asset management system relies on two things – diligence and protectiveness.

The time, effort, and resources needed to maintain the company’s IT assets are well worth the protection. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Don’t waste time, secure your IT Assets now. Contact us today.