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  • 3 Must-Have Tools For Small Teams

Small businesses need technology to give them a chance to level the playing field and compete with the big guys. Fortunately, businesses of all sizes have access to the same technology which they can use to boost productivity and sales.

Here are three must-have tools that small teams can integrate into their day to day operations and streamline the business process

1. Customer Relation Management

Clients are the lifeblood of a business. You’d want to devote time and resources to understanding your customers better. As your business keeps on winning new customers, it gets more difficult to give each one an adequate amount of attention. You need a good Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that will help you store customer data intelligently, and allow you to properly nurture your relationship with them.

The key to expanding your customer base is to make sure to keep your clients happy from the first interaction, and a good CRM can help you with that. They can provide tools to automate the collection of customer information and streamline communication with them by giving you a central location to quickly pull up contact data whenever you need it.

Moreover, CRM’s let you track contact history, add notes, and update contract status and any other details. You can also organize contacts into lists, allowing you to send group emails.

2. Asset Management With Smart Locker System

One of the most common challenges for startups is usually poor management of assets which costs a lot to acquire. Just because you’re not a large business yet doesn’t mean you can disregard asset management in the meantime. Every business, even small teams want to find a good way to make sure that their money is being invested wisely, and this can be done by tracking assets.

To stay on top of everything that happens in your business, you may want to properly track and maintain all of your investments. Failing to do so can open up a lot of problems such as increasing operational costs, and decreasing equipment performance, which could then snowball into a catastrophic result like being forced to shut down.

IT asset management solutions can help businesses take control of their pricey IT investments. You’d be able to track the complete lifecycle of an asset from assignment to every movement that follows, allowing you to maximize their use and reduce wastage.

You can also integrate this tool with other existing systems like Active Directory, G-Suite, Jira, and Okta. There’s no need to retrain your staff. They can keep using the same tools to which they’ve been accustomed.

A good IT asset management system such as Teqtivity, has a customizable dashboard with pre-built reports, allowing you to view real-time data for all your assets, and generate as many reports as you want for your company’s specific needs. When paired with a smart locker system, you can unlock a whole new level of business efficiency. You’d be able to track asset values at every level, no matter the department, location, and assignee.

In the end, this tool will allow you to make more informed decisions regarding inventory and spending. Go for a smart asset vending system that features flexible interchangeable modules, like Teqtivity, which can quickly adapt to your needs as your business grows, allowing with your technology size.

3. All In One Project Management

Having a small team with so much to accomplish, small business owners need help staying on track. As your business expands, the bigger your team gets, and the more difficult it is to keep track of tasks. Without a tool to manage these tasks, they can get lost in the void.

Small teams need an all-in-one management solution to improve productivity and streamline the workflow. No more chaotic email thread communications. A good project management tool can help teams efficiently organize and manage complex projects from start to finish, making sure to always stay on the same page.

With this tool, you can assign tasks to your team members, give them a specific deadline, and monitor the progress with real-time notifications, allowing you to make adjustments as a team, and foster collaboration. The chat feature of this tool also makes it easy for team members to communicate.

Overall, the point of this tool is to centralize everything project-related so you can increase the efficiency of your team. Good project management tools allow you to access project management features all from a single customizable dashboard.

Bottom Line

You don’t need to be a tech expert to make use of technology for growing your business. These tools can be set up quickly, and easily so you can start managing business operations right away, allowing you to improve your workflow even as your business scales.